Chalkboard by the Month
New parents always want to share their baby with everyone & part of the wonder of watching a baby grow is seeing how he/she changes month by month. We decided to combine our love for chalkboard design with our love for our little guy. What emerged was a month by month chalkboard photoshoot featuring what's going on in our world at the time. Take a peek.
Month 0 (July 2016) | Caden was born and announced it to the world with a stop motion video we created during Lindsay's pregnancy. See video here: Creative Stop Motion Pregnancy Video
Month 1 (August 2016) | With the Olympics all over the media, we thought we would celebrate our little one-month old olympian with this gymnastic rings photo.
Month 2 (September) | Lindsay loves all things fall and when Starbucks launches its PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) at the beginning of September each year, that marks the beginning of fall in our household. Here's our little baby barista celebrating the beginning of fall.
Month 3 (October 2016) | Anyone living in the U.S. knows that October was buzzing with politics as Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump campaigned for the presidency. With all the scandals, slander, and theatrics, we decided to offer our own 3rd party candidate. He supports require maternity/paternity leave, advocates for breastfeeding campaigns, and is the poster-child for multiculturalism.
Month 4 (November 2016) | In light of Thanksgiving, here's our little turkey chef showing off is chubby belly!
Month 5 (December 2016) | We've always loved Christmas but this year, it has been especially exciting seeing the wonder in the eyes of our little guy. Sure, he enjoyed chewing the wrapping paper more than the actual gifts he opened, but it was so fun to see the joy in his eyes!